Letters to My Daughters #2, Your Mother

You should both know you have an amazing mother. Now you may be asking, "What does my mother have to do with the man I'm going to marry?" Good question. The answer is that the kind of lady you are will greatly affect the kind of man you will marry. Worthless men typically don't get wonderful, classy women. Nasty women don't typically get honorable and attractive men, (though sadly, there are a few exceptions).

Therefore the conclusion and call for you both is to grow into women of integrity, character, grace, gentleness, hard work and purity. Like attracts like. If you are a woman of inner beauty you will attract a man of the same kind of inner beauty who is characterized by integrity, purity, honesty, and faithfulness. "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight," (1 Peter 3:4-5).

I sit here looking at a picture of your mother and I together a long time ago. I'm reminded of how beautiful she is, not only in appearance, (she has the most amazing smile), but also in heart and character. She is kind, considerate, respectful, faithful, and forgiving. Your mother loves and honors her parents. She is a tremendous mother to her children, sacrificing her own needs, wants, and health to a fault. She is smart, quick-witted, and incredibly capable of doing whatever she sets her mind to do. Your mother has a great sense of humor and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. She is a good and faithful friend. She is a hard worker. She honors and cares for her foolish and sinful husband. She overcomes obstacles in her path. Your mother is stubborn, but ultimately willing to listen and learn from others and even from her own mistakes. She is not greedy, doesn't have to have the latest stuff to be happy and knows how to enjoy what is the simplest and best in life: good friends, family, and a good meal. She is easy to get along with, is warm and compassionate and is wise and understanding.

I have not mentioned much of her physical attributes, yet clearly I think she is a total babe. The verse I chose for your mother for our wedding was Song of Solomon 7:6, "How beautiful and pleasant you are, O my love, with all your delights!" She is beautiful indeed, but the inner beauty of her character makes her shine all the more. If you want to find a good man, then grow into a beautiful woman, both inside and out.

Your Daddy


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