Letter to my Daughters, #1

Dear Lillian and Annie, 

I have been thinking for a while now about writing some letters to you. The letters I had in mind would be about love, relationships, life, and the man you may one day choose to be your husband. The reason I wanted to write instead of talk to you directly is because (1) it's easier for me to write out my thoughts and (2) by the time you're old enough to read and understand these, (i.e. teenagers), you may not want to listen to what I have to say. Therefore letters seem to be the best way to communicate with you. 

I have thought a lot about you two lately and the men you would one day love and marry. I don't know why, really. Lillian, you're only six and Annie, you're only 3. There's obviously a long time to go, (hopefully), before you start falling in love with and dating boys. (Let it be noted I will have all of my scare tactics ready by the time you're 13). Then again I figured I needed to respond to these thoughts in my head and feelings in my heart and write to you now. 

Choosing the man you will love and marry is not the most important decision you'll ever make. Whether or not you will trust and love Jesus Christ as your Savior is the biggest. I would also rate higher the type of lady you will become and the character choices you make along the way. We live in an increasingly corrupted and deceitful world and your character and integrity will be challenged at every step of your life. Maybe the Lord will impress upon my heart to write about these subjects too. But for now my attention is on another matter, which is not as important as the others, but still will have an incredible impact on your lives. 

There is no one who will have a greater impact, (positive or negative, depending on your choice), on your lives than your spouse. There is no person who has the capacity to love or hurt you deeply more than your spouse. There is no one who will know you more intimately, (physically, emotionally, and spiritually), than your husband. He can be the greatest friend of your life or your greatest enemy. He will be, Lord willing, the father of your children, your caretaker in old age, your shoulder to cry on in hard times, the provider for you and your family, and the lover of your soul. If you make a poor choice for a mate it will be devastating to your lives. If you make a wise choice it will be one of the greatest blessings you will ever experience. The person you marry will either bless you or emotionally rend you asunder. Have I made the situation clear enough? I hope so because marriage is more than flowers, a fancy wedding, and a honeymoon, it is two people being united spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally for the rest of their lives. Marriage is a profound mystery and will have profound results on you both. 

Therefore I am writing to you girls to share what little, (if any), insight I have about life, love, marriage, and men, (all men are deviant perverts...done), in the hopes you will gain some wisdom as you look for a mate. I can't guarantee my advice is infallible, but I trust what I say is at least worth considering and will aid you in your choice of a mate. 

Your Daddy


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