The last blog was about how sometimes God addresses uncomfortable subjects and topics in the Bible. In Genesis 19 we're going to see that very thing. Genesis 19 addresses the subject of homosexuality and judgment of sin. In addition we're going to talk about Hell today. If you've just joined us here at the SoWhat blog, we welcome you and hope you'll come back.
First some background. God had just told Abraham he was about to have a son with his 90 plus year old wife, (everyone say "Ewww"). Now God tells Abraham he is going to drop the hammer on Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin.
"Then the Lord said, 'Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me. And if not, I will know," (Gen. 18:20-21).
*As a side note, I can't exactly put any good pictures regarding Sodom and Gomorrah, sodomy, or any of that on this page. At the Sowhatramblings blog we try to be as family friendly as possible. Therefore in lieu of unpleasant images I can't post, I am going to just randomly put unpleasant celebrity pictures up instead.
Gomorrah: unpleasant. Joan Rivers: unpleasant. |
The earth cries out to God because of the sin of mankind. In this case it's from Sodom and Gomorrah. Think about Sodom, where we get the word
sodomy, and you get the idea of what was going on in this area. God has spoken that homosexuality is wrong. In Genesis 2-3 he created sex and the sexes. God's design since Creation for relationships is that they be between one man and one woman. You may not like it and it may not sound fair to you, but God has spoken. Remember, God is the one who knows what is best for mankind and he is the one who sets the standards, not you and not me. The same holds true for any command God has given. Neither you nor I get do decide what is right and wrong, (see also prior blog). The results are pretty bad when man makes his own determination on right and wrong, (see also prior blog).
The story picks up in
Genesis 19:1-3. The angels of God go to the town and run into Lot, Abraham's nephew. Lot recognizes the men as divine messengers and begs them to stay with him for the evening. The angels mention they planned on just sleeping in the town square that evening, but Lot, knowing what kind of town he lived in, tells them that would be a very bad idea and makes sure they stay with him in his house. Kudos to Lot. Although he lived in a very bad city, (and probably shouldn't have been there in the first place), he tried to do the right thing in this situation.
Genesis 19:4-11 - Where Things Get Unpleasant
So the angels go to Lot's house and have dinner, (I think they ordered out). In the evening the men of the town surround Lot's house and demand the men/angels come out of Lot's house so they can sexually assault them. (Note: these are men wanting to sexually assault what they think are other men. It sounds as if the outcry to God about Sodom and Gomorrah's wickedness has been confirmed). Lot, being a righteous fellow, blocks the men from entering and begs the men not to do such a wicked thing. Then he offers his two virgin daughters to the men to "do with as you please." I really don't know what to make of this and it bears further review and study. I know being hospitable to folks was really important in those days, but offering your daughters up for the rape and molestation of the town folks seems a bit extreme.
Luckily it doesn't come to that. The men are hellbent on raping the men who are guests in Lot's house, so they begin to break down Lot's door. The angels reach out, save Lot, and then strike all the men in town with blindness so they couldn't get in.
Sodom: scary. Kenny G: Scary |
- Things are bad in the town. Not only is perversion and sin present in the people, but it's not even concealed or hidden. The people of the town are openly immoral against the sexual standard of God, (see also Genesis 2-3). They are also violent men seeking to do harm to others. There is no standard of righteousness within the town except for whatever each man desires, (which in this case, as in all other instances, is a very bad thing).
- God has investigated the town and confirmed it is unrighteous and wicked. God never makes a judgment without knowing the facts. Then men were given a chance to act righteously, (the warning of Lot), and they failed. God's judgment is about to fall. It will be righteous and unpleasant for those involved.
Before she went crazy... |
Genesis 19:12-22 - Judgment
The angels tell Lot that the wrath of God is about to fall on the city, (which is always a good indicator that it's time to relocate). Lot tries to warn his future son-in-laws about the impending judgment of God, but they reject him as either crazy or foolish. (This same "rejection" will be felt by all those who proclaim what is right and true about God, the world, and sin). The angels save Lot and his daughters from the city. Lot's wife, by her own foolishness, didn't make it.
So what's the big deal here? What does this have to do with me as I read the Bible and try to live in the 21st Century? I'm glad you asked random person. Let me splain somethings to ju, (that's my best Ricky Riccardo impression):
Sodooomm! You got some splainin to do! |
1. Throughout the rest of the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah are going to be a symbol for wickedness and judgment. God will, throughout the Old and New Testaments, refer the people back to Sodom and Gomorrah as a warning.
2. The judgment of God is a very real thing that we all must account for at one time or another. God is going to judge each man according to his deeds and he will always make righteous judgments. Abraham was talking to God before he wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah and he pleaded with him to spare the righteous in the city saying,
"Shall not the judge of all the earth do what is just?" (Gen. 18:25). God will always act justly. No charge of unfairness can ever be laid at the feet of the Almighty. God's judgment is coming. We may not get wiped out like Sodom and Gomorrah. We may even live a long life with few problems. But when we die we are all going to have to stand before the Lord and be judged by his righteous standard. Remember Adam and Eve? For one disobedient act they were cast out of heaven forever. In the same way, our unrighteousness will keep us from the presence of God.
3. According to God, homosexuality is wrong. If you're reading this blog that may sound unpleasant, mean, or hateful. I understand that. The question for all of us, heterosexual or homosexual, is 'What does God say?' It's not what I think, what you think, what a majority of society thinks, what Kim Kardashian thinks, etc. The question we all have to answer, on whatever issue is what does the Creator of all life think and say? In his kindness, goodness, and wisdom, the Lord has set forward a standard of what is right and good for mankind. You are free to reject that at your own peril, but see also point #2 above.
4. Hell is real, but it is not the hell you see on cartoons. Hell is where the devil gets to run around and poke people. Hell is the judgment of God upon sinners. Hell is separation from the Creator of all life. Hell is separation from a God of goodness, love, and wisdom. Hell is separation from real joy and life.
So judgment is coming upon all unrighteous, hell is real, and God has set forth a standard, (the Bible), by which he will judge all men. If you're being honest, you will admit you have failed to keep that righteous standard and you are starting to wonder about your eternity and the judgment of God. This brings me to point #5.
5. God has already poured out hell and judgment upon his own perfect and righteous Son, Jesus, so that men may stand on HIS righteousness and escape the judgment of God. Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, came to earth and lived a perfectly obedient and righteous life. He lived his whole life in loving obedience to his Father in heaven. Then he was falsely accused, convicted, and hung on a wooden cross where he was tortured and he died. Jesus's suffering on the cross was not only physical pain, but it was spiritual and emotional as well. He experienced the full weight of God's wrath against sin, bearing the punishment for all sinners. He experienced hell on earth and separation from his Father in heaven. This is why, while on the cross, he cried out,
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me!", (Matthew 27:46). The judgment that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah fell upon Jesus.
And then there's that guy. |
Why did Jesus do this? He did it because
"God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life," (
John 3:16). God gave his son to experience hell and judgment on sin so that sinful men would not have to. Instead, men can stand in the righteousness of Jesus before God in heaven. They can escape judgment on their sin because another has already been judged for them. All men have to do is trust that Jesus paid it all for them and be willing to turn from their sins to God. Just like Lot, men can escape from judgment if they turn from sin and run to Jesus.
Pretty cool, huh? By that I mean Jesus, not Pee Wee.
What you see at the entrance into Hell. |