Christians believe that evil exists
in the world due to sin. What is sin? I’m sure everyone understands the concept of immoral actions and things done we are not supposed to do. But
the Bible teaches that sin is more than just the bad things we do, it is a
condition of the heart of each man, woman, and child who has ever been born.
Sin has affected the natural world we live in, making things broken, sick,
weak, and imperfect. Every person who lives has a heart, mind and body that
don’t work the way God designed. We are all prone to lie, be selfish, hurt
others, and get angry, to cheat on our spouses, and be lazy. As we saw in
Boston, people can even choose to blow up innocent men, women, and children
because of either some mental illness, their belief they are doing the work of Allah, or because they hate America. There is
something wrong with the world. There is something wrong with the hearts of
people. There is something wrong with me.
Where does this come from? In the
first pages of the Bible, God created a perfect world where
everything was good. The sun was good, the plants were good, the animals were
good, and even man was good. There was not any cancer, terrorism, cheating,
anger, meanness, or murder. So what happened? The devil came to Adam and Eve and
offered a choice: Would they trust God had their best in mind or would they
believe God was holding out on them, that they knew what was best for your
life? Unfortunately, they chose to doubt God’s goodness and love and instead
trusted themselves. The result of their actions was the world started to break
and it has been broken ever since. Evil entered into the hearts of men and
women. They would naturally distrust God and not love and trust him, as God
desired. They would die due to sickness, accidents, and old age, which wasn’t
God’s initial design. God desired people to live with him forever. He desired
they would have life. It’s like if you took a glass of clean water and
put a tiny drop of cyanide in it. The water would no longer be clear, but tainted.
The poison would affect every portion of the water in one way or another. In the same way sin has tainted and poisoned every aspect of our lives.
Back to Genesis 3, where God
pronounced the results and curse of Adam and Eve’s sin there was
a promise of hope and redemption. God promised one day a child would be born of
a woman who would strike down the devil, but would be wounded in the process.
I’m talking of course, about Jesus, who would be born of virgin, live a
sinless life, show us what a life of trust and love to God would look like, and
then die on a cross. In death he would bear the punishment for the sins of every man, woman,
and child who would ever live. Jesus would also address the problem of men’s evil hearts. He told a guy once, “You must be born again”, (Gospel of
John, chapter 3). What he meant was there was a problem with men’s hearts. They
were corrupted and broken. Men needed new life which only God could give. Men
needed new hearts that valued life, God, goodness, hope, peace, and right
things. Men could not do this for themselves; God had to create that life into
them. Even though men choose to hurt one another, hurt themselves, and reject
God, he still wants to restore that relationship with men. He just has to
change their hearts and cleanse them of sin to do so. God chose to do what men could not do for themselves, pay the penalty for their sins and give them new and holy hearts.
When a man trusts Jesus
as the one who has paid for his sins and made him right with God, without any works
or efforts that man has done, then God gives man a new heart, a new life, and
forever sees him as clothed in Jesus’ righteousness. Then people can live with
God and each other as God intended. More importantly, they are promised to
escape the ultimate curse of sin = death, because they will be with God
forever. The old football verse, John 3:16 applies, “For God so loved the world
that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him would not perish, but
have everlasting life.”
This is what I believe about evil in
the world, why men do terrible things to one another, why we deal with rude,
stupid, and immoral people at our jobs, and why rage at one another in our daily commutes. It’s why I sometimes struggle to love my wife, get
angry with my kids, and quietly curse out customers on the phone or rude people in traffic. It’s also why I have hope, even when people blow up one another, as weird
as that seems. I believe there is hope for men and the world. I believe even if
things get worse that one day I will be with God in heaven, with Jesus, and
have eternal life with him, untainted by sin.
One of my favorite painters was a guy named Rembrandt. He did a lot of cool things in his paintings with light and shadows. One of his most famous paintings is "Raising the Cross". In the painting, there are soldiers raising the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The crowds surrounding the cross are in shadows. The light on the painting falls on Jesus, but also on a man at the foot of the cross. This man is dressed unlike the soldiers and others around the cross. He looks out of place. The man seen is Rembrandt himself. He painted a self portrait of himself at the foot of the cross, helping to raise the cross to crucify Jesus. Rembrandt saw himself correctly. He saw himself as a sinner, as a man whose sin helped raise Jesus to a cross where he would die for the sins and evil of men. He saw himself as a man just as guilty as those around him. He saw himself needing forgiveness.
The world is corrupted by sin and evil. But there is a Savior who died for men's sin and evil. He died on a cross so that men may be forgiven and be cleansed of the evil in their hearts. That man is Jesus. He offers himself as a Savior for all, especially in these evil days.
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