What is wrong with feelings? God gave us the ability to feel and love and they are a beautiful part of our lives. What do you mean by all this Travis...you big jerk?!
Let me explain. The key is not feelings, but feelings based on truth.
What one feels must be filtered through a moral sieve, (think noodles and water). to determine whether such feelings are good or bad/evil. For example, a child molester may have certain feelings, but that doesn't make those feelings okay or permissible. A homosexual may say, "I love my partner and I want to marry him/her" but the feeling itself doesn't make the following action okay. I may feel like blowing my top and screaming at my wife and children after a long day at work, but my feeling itself is not the indicator of what is right behavior. Feelings don't make our actions permissible.

Now some feelings are just preferences, like "I like cheese," or "I enjoy watching football." I suppose the logical question is how do you determine what feelings are preferences and which ones are issues of morality. I'm sure that is a question worth a lot of thought and a longer blog, but for now let's say that we should judge our feelings against the moral law of God. If there is no word of God on the subject, (i.e. whether or not to eat cheese or like football, then do as you please). However, there are some matters which God HAS spoken, so we must pay close attention and filter our feelings through the instruction of God, i.e. the Bible.
One may argue against THE moral standard being the Word of God. Fine then, what is the standard? The majority view of people in a certain area? If that is the case then the Nazis who killed millions of Jews, Poles, gypsies, etc, were not bad people because the majority of Germans at that time thought genecide was a good idea.
Others may argue that there is no moral law or standard with which we are to judge ourselves and our actions. Under that reasoning, right or wrong is up to the determination of each individual and it will be whatever they determine right or wrong to be. Right or wrong becomes relative.
There must be an external standard outside of ourselves that determines truth. That standard, whether we like it or not, is the Word of God. Our feelings themselves do not determine what is acceptable behavior. God does. Judge not your actions and plans by what you feel, rather by the wisdom of the Almighty.
Peace out.
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