celebrity chef Paula Deen got into some trouble, (“some” may not be the most
appropriate word), when she admitted using the “n-word” some 30 years ago.[i]
There are also allegations that some of her co-workers or restaurants
encouraged inappropriate and derogatory language and behavior. Court cases are
still pending for the same. In the meantime, supporters have fled from Paula
Deen, her company, and her restaurants. Media members have excoriated Deen as
well. Blasted across TV shows, the internet, and newspapers are articles either supporting or pronouncing judgment on Deen.[ii]
purpose here is not to defend or accuse Paula Deen, but to illustrate a point
about the legal examination we all will have to undergo at one time or another. Each one of us will have to give an account to God for
every action, every casual word, and even every thought? Deen is in trouble for admitting she said something 30
years ago, but when the Almighty comes to judge the living and the dead he is going
to review a lifetime’s use of our minds, hearts, and tongues. In addition, he
is not going to focus on the large details of our lives, i.e. ‘were generally
you a good person, husband, father, worker, etc.?’ but the specific minutiae of
every year, month, day, and minute of each individual life. In our day the wrong
deeds or words of a person can be plastered on every TV show, Facebook account,
email, and news story for days on end. The pressure and judgment a person
receives socially, legally, or civilly can be immense. Can you imagine what it
will be like to stand before the throne of God and have to give an account for
every thought, every action, and every word spoken from the day you were born
until the day you died?
politicians are fond of saying, “Let me be clear”, I am not trying to come
across as a religious zealot, like so many people seen on street corners or
preachers on TV who scream about the coming wrath of God. We are all familiar
with these types of people, who are known for sweating, screaming, and carrying
around scary signs that show people in torment and flame. You’re in luck
because for one thing I can’t scream on a blog. Secondly, I don’t sweat while
typing at a computer. Thirdly, and more importantly, I am not trying to
frighten or terrorize anyone, but I do want to have a frank and honest
conversation about the truth of who God is, what is told to us in the Bible,
and how current events pale in comparison to the coming judgment.
starters, let’s look at what a few verses have to say about the judgment of
- “For God
will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil,” Ecclesiastes 12:14
- “but they
will give account to him who is
ready to judge the living and the dead,” 1 Peter 4:5.
- “because
he has fixed a day on which he
will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed;
and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the
dead,” Acts 17:31
- “So then
each of us will give an account of
himself to God,” Romans 14:12.
- “For the
Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father,
and then he will repay each person according to what he has done,” Matthew
- “I tell
you, on the day of judgment people
will give account for every careless
word they speak,” Matthew 12:36.
Those last
two, by the way, were said by Jesus.
We could go
into a lengthy discussion about this topic and each of these verses, but let me
just highlight some pervasive thoughts in these verses:
1 Judgment is coming. I know it’s not popular or “nice”
to talk about judgment. Sorry. As much as I try to be considerate and loving in
communicating the truth, there is no skirting the Bible on the pending judgment
for all. It is what it is. Like in the old western High Noon, 12 o’clock is coming; you’d better be ready for it. Jesus
is coming back, and when he does he will judge all. No one can escape it. There
will be no rock to hide under and no shelter in the day of trouble. Again, I’m
not trying to scare you, but you’d better be aware. These passages repeatedly
use the phrase, “the day”, “that day”, and “the day of judgment”. The indication
is clear. There is “A Day” above all other days, where men and women will be
Everyone will have answer for every deed, every
secret thought and every careless word. There is no action, word, or thought
which will not be considered before the throne of God. God deals in specifics,
not generalities.
There is no disagreement in attitude or plan
between God and Christ regarding the pending judgment. Some believe in a dichotomy
between God, as seen in the Old Testament, and Jesus in the Gospels. They look at
Jesus as some kindly forgiving one who will overlook every evil deed, whether
one has repented, sought forgiveness, or trusted him for salvation, while God is
a mean vindictive deity. No, the Son and the Father are of one mind. There is
no confusion between the Godhead. Jesus and God will sit in judgment on all
mankind and there will be no dispute and no wringing of hands between them
about the guilt or punishment to be handed out.
Maybe you’re
reading this and thinking I’m a jerk. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “Wow,
he got here from Paula Deen?” Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “Man I’m
screwed”. Let me respond to each in order:
No, I’m not a jerk. I’m simply trying to make
you aware of the truths of the Bible. If you doubt me, read it for yourself. I’m
trying to point out truth. Sometimes truth is painful, (just like my son learns
that a pot is hot when on the stove. It’s
not the stove’s fault for being hot). I do hope I have communicated truth as kindly
Yes, I got here from Paula Deen. I am that
talented as an author and Christian commentator on today’s events. It’s a gift.
It’s the reason why this blog is the 52,000,000,000th most popular
blog in the world.
You are screwed. I’m screwed. Your postman is screwed,
(if you were wondering). If you honestly think about what the Bible has to say,
you have to admit we’re all in serious trouble. Who can stand before the
pending judgment of God? I mean sure, we’ve all had some good days here and
there, but if God is going to judge the secret thoughts and even careless words
of my mouth and his standard is total purity then we are ALL in trouble.
Here’s the
good news, which the Bible calls “the gospel”. God, knowing the pending
judgment of evil, sent his Son to be a sacrificial lamb for the sins of men.
Jesus came to earth, lived a life of perfect purity and obedience to God, and
then was nailed to a cross and “judged” as a guilty man. He did this so people could
escape the wrath of God, so God could look at men and see the perfection of
Jesus Christ, and not the imperfection of their thoughts, actions, and words.
All a person must do to receive this gift is to simply turn from their evil and
trust that Jesus has paid it all for them. Then they can say like the old hymn,
condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’ eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Amazing Love, how can it be, that thou, My God, should die for me.
Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’ eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Amazing Love, how can it be, that thou, My God, should die for me.
Charles Wesley

Full disclosure: I don’t know
anything about Paula Deen other than she is big on butter, making good food,
and has had several shows and cooking-type books. Other than that, you got me.
Cooking isn’t really my thing. I’m more of a sports guy. I’m not going to get
into the discussion of what is an appropriate judgment and consequences for her
actions. Several have already done that quite extensively and I’m not one to
recreate the wheel.[i] My
purpose today is to highlight what I saw as an interesting correlation between
the treatment of Deen and the Bible.
[ii] No, I don’t approve of the use of the “n-word” or
[iii] I
acknowledge this is a DEEP subject and one about which many writers and
theologians have written whole volumes about.
That being said, my purpose was simply to stir the pot, so to speak, and get
folks thinking. This blog is in no way an attempt to give a systematic account
of the judgment of God. For anyone who is really interested in the subject I
would recommend sitting down with a Bible, a good concordance, possibly
a Systematic Theology volume, a pen and paper and studying it on your own.