When I was a kid, it was He-man. He was the Master of the Universe after all. (If you're over 40 or under 30, you won't remember He-man).
When I was a teenager, (yes, I was that pathetic), my heroes were Batman and Spiderman. I thought they were awesome.
As a Christian my heroes are William Wilberforce, the British politician who worked the whole of his professional life to end the practice of slavery in England. Another hero is Charles Spurgeon, a British pastor known as the "Prince of Preachers."
My closer to home "heroes" list includes men and women who have modeled a passion for the Word of God and whose lives have been marked with the grace of Jesus Christ. I won't say their names because it would only embarrass them. I hope and beseech the Lord that one day I can be a hero for my wife and daughters, a man who models the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.

Finally, I wanted to give notice to all of one of my modern day heroes, my dad, Mike Hendley. He's a great man and has been a great father. He's a man of incredible patience, wisdom, and maturity. I hope I can be one third of the man my father is. (I didn't want to say half because everyone says half). Today the old man is 60. Happy Birthday Pop.